1. Introduction
Today’s post is a summer recreation/musing
about how to model the effect of
complexity and technical debt, in the same spirit of a the previous “Sustainable
IT Budget in an equation” post. I used the word “recreation” to make
it clear that this is proposed as “food for thoughts”, because I have worked
hard to make the underlying model really simple, without the intent of
accuracy. I have worked on IT cost modelling since 1998 and have removed layers
of complexity and precision over the years to make this model a communication
tool. You may see the result, for instance, in my lecture at
Polytechnique about IT costs.
This post is a companion to the previous “Sustainable
Information Systems and Technical Debt” with a few (simple)
equations that may be used to explain the concepts of sustainable development and complexity management to an audience who
loves figures and quantified reasoning. It proposes a very crude model, that
should be used to explain the systemic behavior of IT costs. It is not meant to
be used for forecasting.
What is new in this model and in this post, is
the introduction of change and the cumulated effect of complexity. The previous
models looked at the dynamics of IT costs assuming an environment that was more
or less constant, which is very far from the truth, especially
in a digital world. Therefore, I have extended this simple model of
IT costs into two directions:
- I have introduced a concept of « decay » to represent the imperative for change. I am assuming that the value delivered by an IT system decreases over time following a classical law of “exponential decay”. This is a simple way to represent the need for « homeostasis », which is the need to keep in synch with the enterprise’s environment. The parameter for decay can be adjusted to represent the speed at which the external environment evolves.
- I have also factored the effect of cumulated complexity into the model, as a first and simple attempt to model technical debt. This requires modelling the natural and incremental rise of complexity when IS evolves to adapt to its environment (cf. previous point) – as noticed before, there is a deep link between the rate of change and the importance of technical debt – as well as the representation of the effort to clean this technical debt.
This model makes use of Euclidean
Scalar Complexity(ESC), a metric developed with Daniel Krob and
Sylvain Perronet to assess integration complexity
from enterprise architecture schema. ESC is easy to compute and is (more or
less) independent from scale. The
technical contribution of this new model and blog post is to propose a link
between ESC and technical debt. Although this link is somehow naïve, it
supports “business case reasoning” (i.e., quantifying common sense) to show
that managing technical debt has a positive long-term return on investment.
This post is organized as follows. Section 2
gives a short summary of asset management applied to information systems, in
other words, how to manage information systems through replacement and
renovation rates. This is the first systemic lesson: investments produce assets
that accumulate and running costs follow this accumulation. The proposed
consequence is to keep the growth and the age of the assets under control.
Section 3 introduces the effect on computing (hardware) resource management on
IT costs. We make a crude distinction between legacy systems where hardware is
tied to application in a way that required a complete application
re-engineering to benefit from better generations of computing resources, as
opposed to modern virtualized architecture (such as cloud computing) that
supports the constant and (almost) painless improvement of these resources.
This section is a simplified application of the hosting cost model proposed in
my second book, which yields similar results, namely that Moore’s
law benefits only show in IT costs if the applicative architecture makes it
possible. Section 4 introduces the need for change and the concept of
exponential decay. It shows why managing IT today should be heavily focused on
average application age, refresh rate and software asset inertia. It also
provides quantitative support for concepts such as multi-modal
Information Systems and Exponential
Information Systems. Section 5 is more technical since we introduce
Information System complexity and the management of technical debt from a
quantified perspective. The main contribution is to propose a crude model about
how complexity increases iteratively as the information system evolves and how
this complexity may be constrained through refactoring efforts at the
enterprise architecture level. Although this is a naïve model, at a macro
scale, of technical debt, it supports quantified reasoning which is illustrated
throughout this blog post with charts produced with a spreadsheet.
2. Asset Management and Information Systems

Since the main object of the model is the set
of software assets, the key metric is the size of this asset portfolio. In this
example we use the Discounted Acquisition Costs model, that is the sum of the
payments made for the software assets that are in use (that have not been
killed) across the information system’s history. The IS budget has a
straightforward structure : we separate the build costs (related to the
changes in the asset portfolio : acquisition, maintenance, etc.) and the run
costs (hosting, support and licensing). Run costs are expressed directly as the
product of resource units (i.e. the size of the IS / software assets) and unit
costs (these unit costs are easy to find and to benchmark).
The model for the Build costs is more elaborate
since it reflects the IS strategy and the software product lifecycle. To keep things as simple as possible we
postulate that the information system strategy in this model is described as an
asset management policy, with the following (input) parameters to the model:
- The total IT budget
- The percentage of Build budget that is spent on acquiring new assets (N%)
- The percentage of Build budget that is spent on retiring old assets (K%)
- The percentage of Build budget that is spent on renewals (R%)
With these four parameters, the computation of
each yearly iteration of the IT budget is straightforward. The run costs are
first obtained from the IS size of the previous year. The build budget is the
difference between total IT budget and run costs. This build budget is
separated into four categories: acquiring new assets, killing existing (old)
assets, replacing old assets with newer ones (we add to the model an efficiency
factor which means that renewals are slightly more efficient than adding a brand-new
piece of software) and “maintenance”. Maintenance (for functional or technical
reasons) is known to produce incremental growth (more-or-less, it depends on
the type of software development methodology) which we can also model with a
The model is,
therefore, defined through two key equations which tells how the asset
portfolio changes every year in size (S) and age (A). Here is a simplified description (S’ is the
new value of “assets size”, S is the value for the previous year):
- Growth of the assets: S’ = S - Build x K% + Build x A% + Build x (1 – K% – A% – R%) x G%
- Ageing of the assets: A’ = (A + 1) x (S – Build * (1 – N% - R% - K%)) / S’
Measuring software assets with Discounted
Acquisition Costs has benefits and drawbacks. The obvious benefit is that it is
applicable to almost all companies. The value that is used for discounting with
age has a small effect on the overall simulation (and what will be said in the
rest of the post). Typical values are between -3% to -10%. The drawback is that
money is a poor measure of complexity and richness of the software assets. A
better alternative is to use function points, but
this requires a fair amount of efforts, over a long period of time. When I was CIO
of Bouygues Telecom, I was a strong proponent of function points but I found it
very hard to make sure that measurement was kept simple (at a macro scale) to
avoid all the pitfalls of tedious and arguable accounting. What I have found
over the years is that it is almost impossible to use function points without
strong biases. However, as soon as you have a reasonable history, it works very
well for year-by-year comparisons. Used at a macro scale, it also gives good
benchmarking “orders of magnitudes”.
There are many other alternatives (counting apps, databases, UI screens,
….) that suffers from the same benefits and drawbacks. Since I aim to propose
something generic here – and because discussing with CFOs is a critical goal of
such a model -, using DAC makes the most sense.
following chart gives an example of simulating the same information system,
with the same constant budget, under three strategies:
- The “standard strategy” is defined by N% = 5%, K% = 3%, R% = 50%. With 50% of the project budget spent on renewal, this is already a strong effort to keep the assets under control. The imbalance between what needs to be added (5% of the budget to meet new needs and a small effort for decommissioning) is quite typical.
- The “clean strategy” is defined by N% = 5%, K% = 8%, R%=60%. Here we see the effect of try to clean up the legacy (more renewal effort, and more decommissioning).
- The “careless” scenario is defined by N% = 5%, K% = 3% and R% = 30%. This is not a large change compared to the standard one, less effort is made on renewing assets so that more money can be spent on adapting the existing assets to the current needs.
These three
figures illustrate some of the key lessons that have been explained before, so
I will keep them short:
- Changes that may seem small in the strategy (the values from the three scenarios are not all that different) produce significant differences over the years. Especially the “Build/Run” ratio changes significantly here according to the strategy that is picked.
- Beware of accumulation, both in size and ageing, because once the problem accumulates it becomes hard to solve without a significant IT budget increase.
- The effects of an aggressive cleanup asset management strategy are visible, and pay for themselves (i.e., they help free build money to seize new opportunities), but only after a significant period of time, because of the multiplicative effects. Therefore, there is no short-term business case for such a strategy (which is true for most asset management strategies, from real estates to wine cellars).
As I will explain in the conclusion, showing
three examples does not do justice to the modelling effort. It is not meant to
produce static trajectories, but rather to be played with in a “what if” game.
Besides, there are many hypotheses that are specific to this example:
- The ratio between the Build budget and the value of the asset portfolio is critical. This reflects the history of the company and differentiates between companies that have kept their software assets under control and those where the portfolio is too large compared to the yearly budget, because accumulation has already happened.
- This example is built with a flat budget, but the difference gets bigger if there are budget constraints (additional project money is “free money” whereas “less project money” may translate to forced budget increase because renewing the SW assets is mandatory for regulatory reasons … or because of the competition).
- The constants that I have used for unit costs are “plausible orders of magnitudes” gathered from previous instances of running such models with real data, but each company is different, and the numbers do change the overall story.
- We do not have enough information here to discuss about the “business case” or the “return on investment” for the “cleanup strategy”. It really depends on the value that is generated by IT and the “refresh rate” constraints of the environment, which is what we will address in Section 4.
3. Managing Computing Infrastructures to Benefit Moore’s Law
In the previous model I have assumed that there
is a constant (cf. the unit cost principle) cost of hosting a unit of software
asset on computing resources. This is an oversimplification since hosting costs
obviously depends on many factors such as quality of service, performance
requirement and software complexity. However, when averaged over one or many
data centers, these unit costs tend to be pretty “regular” and effective to
forecast the evolution of hosting. There is one major difference that is worth
modelling: the ability to change, or not, the computing & storage hardware
without changing the software asset. As explained in my second book, “Moore’s Law
only shows in IT costs if it is leveraged”, that is if you take advantage
of the constant improvement of hosting costs. To keep with the spirit of a
minimal model, we are going to distinguish two types of software:
- Legacy: when the storage/computing configuration is linked to the application and is not usually changed until a renewal (cf. previous section) occurs. In this case, unit costs tend to show a slow decline over the years, due to automation and better maturity in operation, which is very small compared to the cost decrease of computing hardware. This was the most common case 20 years ago and is still quite frequent in most large companies.
- Virtualized: when a “virtualization layer” (from VM, virtual storage to containers) allows a separation between software and computing assets. This is more common nowadays with cloud (public or private) architecture. Because it is easier to shift computing loads from one machine to another, hosting costs are declining more rapidly. This decline is much slower than Moore’s law because companies (or cloud providers) need to amortize their previous investments.
This split is easy to add into our asset model.
It first requires to track software assets with two lines instead of one
(legacy and virtualized), and to create two set of unit costs (which will
reflect the faster reduction for virtualized hosting cost, as well as the
current difference which is significant for most companies since virtualized
load tend to run on “commodity hardware” whereas legacy software often runs on
specialized and expensive hardware (the most obvious example being the
The software asset lifecycles are coupled as
follows. First the kill ratio K% must be supplemented with a new parameter that
says how much of the effort is made on the legacy portfolio compared to the
virtualized one. Second, we assume here – for simplification – that all
applications that are renewed are ported to a newer architecture leveraging
virtualized computing resources. Hence
the renewal parameter (R%) will be the main driver to “modernize” the asset
The following curves show the difference
between three strategies, similarly to the previous section. We have taken a
generic example where the portfolio is balanced at first between legacy and
virtualized computing architecture. In this run, the new ratio (N%) is raised
to 10% to reflect a situation where more change is required. The difference is
mostly about the renewal rate (respectively 40%, 50% and 30%) and the kill rate
(respectively 3%, 5% and 3%). The figure shows the size of the two software
asset portfolios (Virtualized and Legacy) as well as the average age.
The model was run here with conservative costs
estimates on purpose. The reader is encouraged to run this type of computation
with the real values of unit cost that s/he may observe in her company. Even
with this conservative setting, the differences are quite significant:
- A sustained renewal effort translates into a more modern portfolio (the difference in average age is qui significant after 8 years) and lower run costs. It is easy to model the true benefits of switching to commodity hardware and leveraging virtualization.
- The difference in the Build/Run ratio is quite high, because the run costs are much lower once a newer architecture is in place.
- These efforts take time. Once again, the key “strategic agility” ration is “build/run”. When the asset portfolio has become too large, the “margin for action” is quite low (the share of the build budget that can be freely assigned to cleanup or renewal once the most urgent business needs have been served).
To make these simulations easier to read and to
understand, we have picked a “flat IT budget scenario”. It is quite interesting
to run simulations where the “amount of build project” has a minimal value that
is bound to business necessities (regulation or competition – as is often the
case in the telecom market). With these simulations, the worse strategy
translates into a higher total IT cost, and the gap increases over the years
because of the compounded effects.
4. Managing Information Systems Refresh Rate to Achieve Homeostasis
I should apologize for this section title which
is a mouthful bordering on pretentious … however I have often used the concept
of “homeostasis” in the
context of digital
transformation because it is quite relevant. Homeostasis refer to the
effort of a complex systems (for instance a living organism) to maintain an
equilibrium with its environment. In our world of constant changes pushed by
technology rapid evolution, homeostasis refers to the constant change of the information
system (including all digital assets and platforms) to adapt to the changing
needs of customers and partners. From my own experience as an IT professional
for the past 30 years, this is the main change that has occurred in the past decade:
the “refresh rate” of information systems has increased dramatically. This is
an idea that I have developed in many posts
from this blog.
This is also a key idea from Salim Ismail’s
best seller book “Exponential
Organizations” which I have used to coin the expression “Exponential
Information Systems”. From our IT cost model perspective, what this says is
that there is another reason – other than reducing costs and optimizing TCO –
to increase the refresh rate. I can see two reasons that we can to capture:
first, the value provided by a software asset declines over time because the
environment changes. Second, no software asset is isolated any more, each is part
of a service (or micro service) orchestration patterns, that comes with its own
refresh rate constraints. I have found that the best way to express both
principles is to postulate that the value provided by a software asset declines
over time following a classical exponential decay
Value = V0 x exp(- lambda x time)
This formula is easy to introduce in our model,
and it adds a penalty to ageing software that is independent from the previously
mentioned TCO effects on licensing, maintenance, or hosting. The
decay parameter (lambda) is a way to tell the model that “software must change
regularly” to cope with the constant changes of its environment.
I will not offer any simulation or charts here,
because it is actually quite difficult to find data about this “decay” (need
for change) and it makes little sense to invent one for a generic simulation. Also,
not all software assets are equal with respect to exponential decay.
Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is precisely an answer to this need for constant
adaptation. Therefore, should we plan to run simulations seriously, we should
use different decay constants for different classes of assets. There are plenty
of software costs benchmarking materials that may be used to calibrate or
evaluate the unit costs for the two previous models but evaluating the “rate of
decay” is much more difficult and very specific to each industry.
On the other hand, exponential decay / forced
rate of change is a really useful concept when planning about the long-term
future of information systems. When one plays with the previous model augmented
with decay, it becomes clear that the
desired rate of change, which is a business imperative, is not compatible with
the inertia that is exhibited by the model. This should be clear in the
example shown in the previous section: the weight of the legacy portfolio is
too high to obtain a homogeneous high refresh rate. In most large and
established company, the Build/Run ratio is worse that what is proposed here,
which means that the ability to increase the refresh rate is even worse.
This situation yields naturally to the concept
of “multi-modal IT”, including the famous “bimodal IT”
pattern. A multi-modal information
system is organized in an “onion structure” with a core and layers towards the
periphery. Using API (Application
Programming Interfaces), the onion may be organized so that the refresh
rate is higher in the outside layers than in the core. This a direct
application from biology and a pattern that is used in many organization theories
such as betacodex. This is also the foundation for Exponential
Information Systems: Use Enterprise
Architecture and modularity to support different refresh rates for different
parts of the information systems. The core/shared/pivot/common data model,
that described the key business objects that are used throughout the multiple
layers (multi-modal component) is a critical component of the Enterprise
Architecture since it defines the agility through the API. A modular multimodal
architecture is one that leaves most of the changes in the layers that were
designed to accommodate high refresh rates. This means that modularity is a dynamic
property of system architecture much more than a static one.
The lesson from this short section is that one
should think really hard about the required refresh rates of sections of their
information systems. For each functional domain, a target refresh rate (which
is equivalent to a target average age for software assets) should be set. This
target is both a business and technical imperative which should be based on
requirements from customers and partners, as well as constraints related to
software ecosystems. Many software environments, such as developing a mobile
application, come with their own refresh rate constraints because the key
features provided by the ecosystem change constantly … while upward
compatibility is approximate at best. Similarly, the ambition
to leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning for a given
business domain should translate into setting a high refresh rate target. Keep
in mind that adapting to the outside environment is a business imperative: if the lack of architecture modularity and
the inertial of the accumulated weight of the asset portfolio prevent from
upgrading the portfolio fast enough, the obvious solution is to grow this
portfolio resulting in added complexity and IT costs.
5. Information Systems Complexity and Technical Debt
This last section introduces complexity and its
effect on TCO in our IT cost model. We have seen throughout this post that the
accumulation of weight is a burden, we shall now see that the accumulation of
complexity is also a handicap that translates into additional costs, namely
integration, testing and support costs. Obviously, the complexity of
information systems reflects the complexity of their mission and the complexity
of their environment. Somehow, this complexity is where part of the business
value and differentiation is created. What we want to focus on here is the
excess of complexity, which is precisely the definition of technical
To introduce complexity in our model, we need a
way to define and measure it. We shall use “Euclidean Scalar Complexity” because it is easy to understand and
has a set of unique properties that makes it the best candidate for managing
complexity at the Enterprise Architecture scale. The principle is quite simple.
Assume that you have an architecture schema of your information systems, with
boxes and links. Assume that you have a weight w(b) for each of the boxes, and that the existence of a link on
your schema represents an interaction between the two subsystems represented by
the box. The weight could be the DAC
measure of Section 2, the function points, or any additive metric that you like
(i.e. w(a+b) = w(a) + w(b)). The
Euclidean Scalar Complexity (ESC) of your architecture (abstraction of your
system) is the square root of the sum of:
w(x) x w(y) for all pairs of
boxes x, y that are either identical
or joined with a link on the architecture schema. Normalized ESC means dividing
the ESC value by the weight of the information systems, which yields a
complexity ratio that we shall use in our model, a number between 0 and 1 (1
means that everything is connected and a value close to zero means that every
piece is independent).
ESC is one of the few metrics that is “scale
invariant”, which is the first requirement for working at the whole IS schema
(each architecture schema is a crude abstraction) – see the 2007 paper “Complexité des systèmes d’information: une
famille de mesures de la complexité scalaire d’un schéma d’architecture”
scale invariant means that if a change of scale is applied to the
representation (more boxes and more links to represent the same information at
a different scale), the complexity does not change. Another short introduction
to ESC is provided in my Polytechnique
lecture. There is no need to understand ESC in detail to see how it can be
used to extend our IT cost model to manage technical debt, but the key insight
that can help is to see that ESC is foremost a (static) modularity measure. ESC
works well because it captures the benefits of Enterprise Architecture patterns
such as gateways, integration buses, API encapsulation, etc. ESC is a great
metric to capture the complexity of micro-service architectures.
As explained earlier, we do not suppose that
the ideal information system has no complexity, but rather that for a given set
of assets, there exists two complexity ratios, Cmin and Cmax, that represent on
the one hand the minimal achievable ESC (i.e. rebuilding the IS from zero using
the maximal possible modularity) and on the other hand, the complexity that one
would get by randomly adding and integrating software assets incrementally. We
used the normalized ESC, so these two numbers are between 0 and 1. Not all
architecture problems are equal: some information systems are easy to build
which translates into Cmin and Cmax being close. On the other hand, for many
systems, the difference between Cmin, Cmax and C (the actual ESC ratio) is
quite high. These two anchors makes possible the definition of technical
debt as: w(S) x (C – Cmin) / (Cmax – Cmin)
Introducing technical debt into our cost model
means two things:
- Measuring the impact of this additional complexity on costs.
- Defining and measuring what “reducing the technical debt” (i.e., managing complexity) may mean, in terms of effect and cost.
The first part is easy, considering the
simplicity of our model and the fact we are just looking for simple orders of
magnitude. In a same way that we have take the effect of aging into account for
licensing, we upgrade the following formulas:
- Integration costs are proportional to the ESC : for a project with no complexity at all it would be zero (negligible compared to the cost of building / buying the new component) whereas for a truly complex (C = 1.0) system, integration (and testing) costs are equal to the acquisition costs. This is very debatable (because it is so simple and because integration costs may be even worse) but it gives a first plausible value.
- Support costs are also impacted: a fraction of support costs is proportional to C. This fraction is different for each information systems and depends on the nature of support activities (for instance, level 1 support is less impacted than level 3 support). Thus, this fraction is left as a model parameter.
The second part is the true extension of the
model and what makes this post a new contribution to IT cost modelling.
- Complexity without any refactoring effort evolves naturally towards Cmax as an asymptotic value (which is the definition of Cmax). The speed of evolution depends on how much of the information system is renewed each year, so the resulting complexity is a weighted average of the previous one and Cmax, where the weights are respectively the size of what is untouched in the portfolio and the size of what is added.
- Refactoring is seen as a fraction of the renewal budget applied to reducing the complexity. The effect is described by a power law (declining return of the invested money). The maximal effect (the asymptotic value) is getting the complexity to Cmin (also by construction). I have used a power law with degree 4 which seems to reproduce the empiric observation that the refactoring efforts have a law of strongly diminishing returns (the last 60% benefits cost 80% of the effort).
The following illustration compares three IT
strategies while taking technical debt into account. In this example we assume
Cmin = 0.3 and Cmax = 0.6, with C = 0.5 at present time. The new parameters
compared to section 1 are the amount of refactoring (F%) and how much of the
kill effort is targeted towards legacy (small effect since the kill effort is
small here).
- The “standard strategy” is defined by N% = 5%, K% = 3%, R% = 40% and F%=15%. Here 40% of the project budget is spent on renewal, and 15% of that money is reserved for refactoring. 70% of the kill effort is targeted towards legacy. The ESC ratio evolves from 0.5 to 0.489.
- The “intense strategy” is defined by N% = 5%, K% = 5%, R%=50% and F= 30% with 80% of kill effort put on legacy. This is a more sustained effort (since money applied to refactoring is not applied to adding new software assets). The complexity ration evolves from 0.5 to 0.464.
- The “careless” scenario is defined by N% = 5%, K% = 3% and R% = 30% and clean = 5%. These values are quite representative of most IT strategies (cf. what we said earlier, 30% of renewal is already the sign of a managed portfolio, many companies suffer from worse accumulation). Here the complexity moves from 0.5 to 0.509
These simulations are only proposed as an
illustration. What can be learned through repeated simulations is similar to
what we said in Section 2:
- Efforts to clean up the portfolio, to keep the age and the complexity under control, are long-term efforts but they have lasting effects.
- Accumulation in complexity, as well as accumulation in weight, has the dual effect of increasing the run costs and reducing the agility (the effort to change the information system to add new capacities becomes higher).
- Contrary to section 2 and 3 where the models may be calibrated with well-known unit costs, measuring the negative effect of complexity and the positive effect of refactoring is hard. What is proposed here is a simple and conservative model that has the benefit of showcasing the effects of both but finding the right constant /parameters to match this model to your reality requires efforts and will lead to some “guesstimates”.
- The key benefit of keeping weight and complexity under control is to allow for a higher refresh rate, which is itself a business imperative which can be modelled through “value decay” (Section 4). In order to simulate the value created by an aggressive “keep the complexity under control” strategy, you need to work under the situation of strong need for refresh (high decay). The weight of technical debt becomes a huge burden as soon as the environment requires to constantly update the information system.
6. Conclusion
The title
for this blog post is: “Managing
Complexity and Technical Debt: A Model for Quantifying Systemic Analysis”.
There are two key ideas here : the first
one is “quantifying” and the second one is “systemic”. Both are related to the
fact that this proposed model is foremost a communication tool. I decided to
build a quantified model because this is the best way to communication with
business managers. It does not mean that this model should be used for
forecasting future IT costs, it is by far to simplistic. Using models and
simulation is a great way to communicate with CFOs; they are even more
effective if they rely on simple parameters/KPI such as unit costs that can be
evaluated through benchmarking (cf. the Gartner
paper on how CIOs can work with CFOs). To make this communication tool work
for your case requires using your own data, as was said repeatedly.
The second
benefit of working with a model is the benefit of simulation, which is a free
benefit once you have built your own spreadsheet. Being able to play “what if”
scenarios is critical to help your stakeholders understand the systemic nature
of the IT costs:
- Delays: good decisions may have long delays before showing their positive consequences
- Accumulation: this is the main difficulty of managing information systems, once the cost problems are visible, they are much harder to solve.
- Amplification (reinforcement): bad decisions produce waste that adds to the complexity and the overall weight, producing further problems along the way.
Although the topic is very different
from the topics that I have covered using GTES
(Game Theoretical Evolutionary Simulation), one can find the same pattern : a
simple model is used to create simulations that are organized into a serious
game from which systemic insights may be gained. As was stated earlier, the goal here
is not to define the “best IT asset management strategy” using a crude model,
but to gain a systemic understanding why long-term complexity-constrained asset
management policies must be implemented.
Here are the conclusions that I can
draw from playing with this generic model (more detailed conclusions would
require working a on a specific instance):
- Keep the age of your software assets under control
- Keep the scope as small as possible (but not smaller, to paraphrase Einstein)
- Constantly refactor your information systems, at different scales.
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