I was invited two weeks ago to a great event hosted by EPITA entitled “The Elegance of Algorithms”. The host of the debate was Cedric Villani and
I really enjoyed this evening of thought-provoking speeches. I was delighted to
be invited to join and participate, since the “elegance of programming &
algorithms” has been a pet topic of mine for the last 30 years.
I got this invitation thanks to Akim
Demaille who remembered that the title of the original web page of the CLAIRE
programming language is “The Art of
Elegant Programming”. I designed CLAIRE as an open source project in the 90s,
together with François
Laburthe and a support group including Akim and Stephane Hadinger, as a
language that would be ideally suited to write operations research
agorithms. CLAIRE is itself the result of 10 years of experience writing
compilers for more complex languages such as SPOKE and LAURE.
I decided that too much effort had been spent on sophisticated features that
programmers did not use much, and that we should rather focus on what made the
language versatile and elegant. Our new goal for CLAIRE was to write “executable pseudo-code”, with a language
that could be used to teach algorithms, which I did with CLAIRE for a number of
years at ENS and Jussieu. Our measure of elegance for CLAIRE was, for instance,
the number of lines necessary to express – in an elegant form – the Hungarian matching
algorithm. The challenge was to be as compact/efficient as possible – using
a high level of abstraction, in the spirit of APL – while
staying close to natural language (not the spirit of APL).
There were a number of reasons to focus on
elegance 20 years ago. I was already aware that software systems are alive
and that a good programming language should facilitate the constant grooming of
the code. I had also learned the hard way that only what is simple and elegant
survives when generations of programmers work onto a software system. However,
what was only a vague intuition then is now blatantly obvious today in the
digital age. Which is why I decided to jot down some of the key ideas that I
developed in my speech at this EPITA event. Simply said, this post is about the
monetary value of software elegance, from architecture to code.
The Business Value of Elegance
1. Software in the digital age is about flows, not assets
The key marker of software in the digital age is the
continuous change of software systems; the consequence is that we need to
love our code. This is very different from the “system engineering” culture
of a few decades ago when we promoted a “black box” approach. If software
maintenance required to edit and modify your code constantly, it should be nice
to look at ! “Source code is back” and the aesthetics of programming becomes
important. Elegance is what helps software systems to evolve into the hands of
successive teams of programmers, when “ugly code” is encapsulated and “worked
around”, producing hidden complexity and not-so-hidden cost explosion.
This world of constant adaptation is the world of agile
software methods, based on iteration. However, iteration produces junk,
accumulation of things that quickly becomes useless. It is a law of nature that
is not specific to software. Iteration
must come hand in hand with refactoring. As a metaphor, we need to tend the
garden: clean up, sort and reorganize. Elegance becomes a philosophy and an
architecture principle. Gardening means to grow simplicity and to let the “system’s
potential” emerge. Digital gardening is similar to Zen gardening : to
discover what is permanent in a changing flow.
This vision of systems as flows will intensify in the digital feature when
systems are built through the collaboration of AI and human intelligence. Today
already, more and more digital algorithms are grown from data through machine
learning. This is why Henri
Verdier told us that “data is the new
code” – I refer the reader to the
report on Big Data published by the National Academy of Technologies. What
is developed with digital systems are no longer algorithms in the classical
sense but processes that grow the necessary algorithms. However, these
processes are meta-programmed with code that needs to be elegant for the very
same reasons.
2. Digital software is the fruit of collaboration
The act of sharing is critical to building high quality software in a
flow environment. This is why code reviews play such an
important role and why pair-programming
is at the heart of extreme programming. Digital software is the result of team
efforts. Code reviews must be enjoyable to be sustained; elegance becomes a
Darwinian virtue of code that survives these reviews. During this dinner, I
went as far as saying that “elegance is
the fuel of code reviews”, as an emotional, aesthetic and collaborative
Digital systems leverage the “power of the crowd” through
open source software. We now live in the world of software ecosystems that
are built by communities. Software platforms are grown by weaving fragments that
get reused through sharing. The elegance of the software fragments is the
cement of the open source platforms. The more elegant the code, more eyeballs
are reading and proofing it. A law of the digital age is that quality comes
from the multiplication of reuse.
Elegance is a dynamic
property revealed in a communication process, not
a static or aesthetic judgment. This is not new, a few centuries ago, Boileau
told us that “Whatever we conceive well
we express clearly, and words flow with ease”. Elegance matters to make
communication, hence collaboration, easier. An interesting parallel may be made
with Cedric Villani’s book, “Birth
of a Theorem: A Mathematical Adventure”: scientific creativity is the result
of a network whose paths are the laborious efforts – mathematicians in front of
their white pages or programmers in from of their screens – to progress along a
task, while the nodes are the communication moments when collaboration occurs.
Cedric’s book is a brilliant illustration of the importance of the collaboration
network. It is, therefore, not a surprise if elegance has been considered a
virtue in Mathematics for ages.
3. Today’s main challenge for software is the increasing word complexity
A key ambition of elegance is to reach
simplicity. It means not only to search for simplicity of the first attempt or the
first creative result, but also the constant quest for continuous
simplification, in the scientific tradition of Occam’s razor. Gaston Bachelard told
us that “simplicity is the result of a
long process of simplification”. Simplicity received a lot of attention
during our evening discussion, from a mathematical, musical or software point
of view.

A cardinal virtue
of simplicity in the digital age is the reduction of inertia. This is a core
lean principle from Taiichi
Ohno. There is much more here than the simple application of Newton
dynamics (the lower the mass, the higher the acceleration). Since I was talking
to mathematicians, I was able to refer to Pollaczek-Khinchine
‘s formula which I have quoted often in my
blog. Without going into the complexity of Jackson networks, this formula
expresses the virtue of simplicity (reduction of variation) to ensure a faster
response time. This is one of the many case where the
intuition of lean and the mathematical models coincide. This translates
into a key principle for digital: to continuously clean up the technical debt,
since the overall velocity is inversely proportional to the bulk of digital
Throughout this post, I have used the word “elegance” to combine two
qualities: simplicity – from a systemic perspective – and aesthetic value,
measured though communication and collaboration. The three previous sections
could be summarized as:
- Elegance is necessary to break the “time barrier” – allow long-lasting software improvements
- Elegance is necessary to break the “distance barrier” – enabling the collaboration of remote viewpoints to produce better software
- Elegance is necessary to break the “complexity barrier” – in order to design antifragile systems.
This is, on purpose, a conceptual and slightly pedantic way to express why
elegance matters. I concluded with a much more forceful anecdote taken from a
previous visit to Googleplex in Mountainview, where I have enjoyed reading a
few good pages of tips about test-driven development, while standing in the
restrooms. This is a vivid example of what a “code loving culture” can be. The
silent drama, which is happening right now, is that the gap between those
companies that have understood that “software
is eating the world” and those who do not is growing. This is where we have
come full circle to the main topics of this blog. I will refer the reader to
Octo’s great book : “The Web Giants”
where almost everything that I mentioned in this post resonate with the best
practices of the most advanced software companies.
Code elegance is a fascinating topic and there is much
more to say. For instance, it is interesting to try to characterize what makes
a code elegant. Cedric Villani started his introduction by saying that elegance
in mathematics was the combination of simplicity (concision), efficiency
(something that really works) and surprise. The aesthetic value of surprise is
a direct consequence of our emotional species-meta-learning strategy to value
what is different from we expect (cf.
Michio Kaku). I will end this post with a few ideas borrowed from Francois
Laburthe, with an interesting reference to SOLID:
- Elegant design borrows heavily on abstraction and genericity. However, units (from functions or classes to module) have a clear and well defined purpose.
- Elegant design is mindful of waste, in the lean tradition. Everything is used, and constant refactoring tracks useless replication of features.
- Elegant design is geared toward self-dissemination because it “welcomes you” through a self-explanatory structure. This is greatly helped by reification / introspection when design elements are self-aware.
- Elegant design is open by nature – it embraces the philosophy of “fragment weaving” mentioned early on through facilitating (hence the importance of API) and selflessness (the design principle that the code will always be used by something more important than itself).
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