Sunday, June 1, 2014

12 Principles of Lean Software Factories

This month’s post is simple one, which presents the concept of LSF (Lean Software Factory) through 12 principles. It will not bring forward new ideas compared to by previous posts, but it is a fresh way to look at the combination of agile/scrum/lean/devops  without over-thinking about the influences or the relationships between different schools of thinking. This list of twelve principles is taken from the talk that I gave at the Lean Summit in Lyon. As I stated in the introduction, this is a "Toyota Way" "how to manual" for a software development team.

1. Organize work around cross-functional united teams
  • Team works leverages the strength of strong ties, that is, the links that create themselves between a group of people who work together all day long. It creates a shared context which is the most efficient form of implicit communication.
  • A team should leverage talent diversity through cross-functionality. Cross-functionality means not only that we have multiple skills within the team (which is necessary to tackle complex time) but that a fair amount of substitution is possible (many team members can lend a hand to any other member), a key for effective cooperation and flexibility.
  • Unity and versatility are mutually strengthening one another.
  • There is no longer a contractual vision of a client-supplier relationship with external hired help. Each member of the team has the same rights, which means that outside suppliers become partners.

2. Teams operate on a common synchronous time
  • Face-to-face communication replaces email for internal team one-to-one communication. This leverages the strength of both tone and non-verbal communication.
  • Every day starts with a stand-up meeting, which replaces a fair amount of one-to-one communications. The stand-up meeting builds the team spirit and common focus on the shared goal. Everyone tells where she or he stands (achievements of the previous day), explains what the objectives for the coming day are and share possible concerns.
  • The team operates on a common shared time, which is the customer’s time (following the lean concept of takt time). This is a clear departure for asynchronous work which has become the default mode for engineering in the past decades. The importance of synchronous work is well explained in “The Lean Startup”.

3. Customer-centric organization, for real.
  • The customer needs to be present on the software development premises. This is symbolic, through the availability of a customer wall or a customer room, which dynamically collects and display end-user problems, insights and aspirations. This is also physical, through the presence of a “customer-proxy” role within the team.
  • Software development               and communication is organized around « user stories ».
  • Continuous improvement is a cornerstone team activity, which is not de-prioritized to add new features. Lean management principles of “zero defects” and “right on the first time” are applied thoroughly, because they have proven to produce customer satisfaction.
  • Last but not least, a customer-centric organization is bound to change its culture from the traditional project culture of software development to a product culture.

4. « Fail early to succeed sooner »:  test as early as possible
  • « Test-driven development »:  code developers need to start their programming with unit tests.
  • Testing must occur end-to-end, that is, from the early unit testing to the instrumented « test during production » (i.e., be able to run tests on deployed software). The (classical) lesson from software engineering is that everything should be tested “as early as possible” (unit testing, when building, when integrating, etc.).
  • The only way to run tests continuously is to automate them. Continuous building/integration and continuous testing are synonymous.

5. Iterative progress through constrained « small batches »
  • Small batches yield better performance and more motivated teams. It is also the best way to keep teams small, which is known to be more efficient.
  • Time Boxing: you fit the content to the box and not the opposite! To keep a synchronous planning (delays break cooperation and are known to be very expensive), you keep to your sprint schedule and adapt the workload dynamically.
  • Incremental development is better at adapting to a continuously changing environment: each « small batch » gives the opportunity to listen, reflect and adapt the product strategy and priorities.

6. « Show & Tell »:  Love your code !
  • A software factory operates on the principle of fast changing code, which is why code must be easy to read and easy to understand, by all members of the team and not only the person who wrote it. Coding standards and pair programming are known techniques to produce easier to maintain code.
  • Team code reviews are a vital part of the LSF culture. On the one hand they create the right level of appropriation and common understanding that is necessary for the team to evolve its software asset. On the other hand, they create the “software pride” attitude, which is an engine for quality and innovation. This is very close to the “love of cars” that you find in a Toyota factory.
  • Code must not only be well structured and elegant, it must also be taken care of. The 5S practice of Lean Management applies to code : Sort (reduce the code base, apply quality metrics), systematize (organize into modules, packages & projects, apply coding guidelines), shine (clean up, improve test coverage, code reviews), standardize (make it into a set of practices), sustain (run the practices as part of the culture).

7. Use walls as tools for collective learning
  • Visual management is a great way for the team to communicate as a whole and to grab the dynamic “music sheet” of the product that is being built. 
  • Walls and white boards are amazing collaborative tools. This is a proven scientific fact : a white surface that you can write on or pin things onto leverages many important features. Many people may work at the same time; multi-scale editing is easy (working at different levels of abstraction at the same time); information density is quite high; body language and dynamic processes are part of the experience.
  • Walls should be used to display all that is necessary to know about the software product, including its architecture and how it should operate. Architectural diagrams do not belong in folders or inside laptops, they should be displayed to contribute to the continuous training and education of the team.

8. Each team member produces what the other needs just in time
  • Use Kanban visuals to represent the team’s work in process (WIP).  The first benefit of the Kanban display is to share the amount of ongoing work / use cases, make sure that nothing is forgotten, and avoid over committing (accepting a work load that this too much).
  • The Kanban display is a grid where the different steps of the software development are represented, which makes transitions from one team member to another easier because everyone knows the other’s current workload (second step of maturity). This is also where the cross-functional nature of the team may be put to good use.
  • The last maturation step occurs when each team member adjust her or his work according to the capacity of the next team member in the process chain. This is the “pull” control flow of lean management, which requires time to build but yields more efficiency through shorter development cycles.

9. Industrial tools for end-to-end software management
  • One cannot run an iterative and fast development cycles without an industrial method and the use of many tools. Code management benefits from a large number of tools, many of which may be found in the open source community:  version management, profiling, dependency tracking, software quality tracking, etc.
  • Configuration management is the cornerstone of continuous integration and continuous deployment. Software builds need to be fully automated, including the management of network, hardware, and other configuration options.
  • The endgame of the software factory is to build the DevOps target of programmable hardware.

10. Continuous software integration: streamlining without waiting or accumulated surprises
  • Continuous integration means to build every day a fully functioning complete system. The rhythm may vary but the practice of building every night a system from the code that was committed during the day has shown its merits.
  • This means that the integration process, which used to be tedious, will be run hundreds of times during a development cycle. Therefore, it needs to be fully automated. This goes hand in hand with automated testing. The software developers find every morning the results of running the newly built system on the test library.
  • Continuous integration has the great cultural advantage of reminding everyone that the whole (system) is more important than the part (the daily pages of new code).

11. Team problem solving as collaboration & learning exercises
  • Team problem solving is used to solve problem and continuously increase the quality of the product. However, there are many other side benefits: team problem solving fosters collective learning of the functioning of the system that is being built.
  • Collaboration and collective learning is anything but easy. Therefore, it must follow a time-proven ritual, such as Kaizen. The lean practice of Kaizen does more than solving the quality problems that are being addressed: it creates a collective understanding of the system and the various roles within the team that prevents the occurrence of many future problems.
  • The practice of Kaizen revolves around the lean concept of standardized work.  Standardization does not mean to freeze a way of doing things, it is an evolving body of knowledge that captures the collective know-how and is used to continuously set new challenges.

12. Deploy continuously to support iterative innovation
  • Following the DevOps principles, software products are deployed following a fast and regular rhythm (which is different for each company). The fast pace is critical to build the customer feedback learning loop.
  • Continuous delivery requires risk management though the principles of concentric community circles. You start with a small test population and you progressively extent to your complete customer base through steps that may be undone easily.
  • Each incremental development process (when you add small pieces after small pieces) is bound to produce junk over time. Thus refactoring and “tending the garden” are critical practices of agile development cycles. The new world of software is not about building a system but growing a platform.

This list is actually a simple collection of well-understood principles because it only represents what needs to be shared with the software development team. This is a “bottom-up” recipe which is an easy sell once the will to build an agile software factory is established. The hard part about lean software is stakeholder’s management (this is worth another post):
  1. The role of management is deeply different from a traditional software development viewpoint.
  2. Agility (incremental, test and learn) is a business, not a technical, mindset.
  3. The benefits of a software factory (building a capability to continuously deliver an evolving platform as opposed to assembling a system) need to be shared and understood by the CEO.
  4. Customer-centricity has to be deeply built into the company’s culture.

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